
BLOG website using MERN

Full-stack, fully functional blog website! using MERN stack. A space where users can explore a variety of engaging blog posts...


Stock preciction web app

Users can access stock data visually through graphs for easy analysis. The app allows comparing two stocks and predicting stock trends.


3D WebD

A simple website integrated with 3D models & animations. Passionate about 3D & the metaverse, I crafted my first 3D website with React.js


Ui to Bank Website

Converting a Ui design to a fully responsive website. Practicing Tailwind Css with React Js and much more... Thanks to - #Javascript mastary


Ecommerce Store

A simple e-commerce store, using React.js, Redux, server & DB. With Implementation of full cart functionality.


Ui to Functional Web

Transforming UI designs into fully responsive and fully functional websites with React Router integration and more...


Movie website (API)

A movie website, crafted with React JS and Tailwind CSS, fetches and displays extensive movie data through API integration.


Portfolio HTML CSS JS

Practiced Html, css and javascript to create my first ever portfolio To start with React js. Displaying various projects in a fully responsive manner.



3D modelling || 3D rendering || 3D Animations etc..

My passion for 3D design led me to explore Blender 3D ✨ and undertake various projects. I'm particularly interested in 3D gaming asset modeling, 3D modelling and animation. This reflects my enthusiasm for the metaverse and 3D technologies, where I firmly believe that genuine interest fuels effective learning and implementation. I 💖 3D modelling, Animation, VR, Gaming...

All my 3D Render

Minor Porjects


Images Search

A React-based Image Search Engine, that fetches & display images via Unsplash API. Fetch and Axios methods in React...


All in one

A React app combining To-D lists, Notes and Contacts, efficiently utilizing local Storage for seamless user experience.


Weather app - API

An API-driven weather app, developed with React JS and Tailwind CSS, designed for getting familiarity with data integration.

All my projects, including their live links, are first published on my GitHub profile. Feel free to check them out for live demos and access to the code.